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what’s it for
- Efflorescence-blocking sealant to be applied before laying on the back of tiles and absorbent paving slabs
- The product stops contaminants rising up from the substrate to the material surface (salts, tannin, oxides etc.), preventing the formation of streaks and/or stains.
- It has water-repellent and consolidating properties.
- The product stops contaminants rising up from the substrate and prevents the formation of stains and streaks on the surface.
Method of use
No dilution required: ready to use.
PRE-LAYING TREATMENT: PROTECTION ON 5 SIDES: to block contaminating agents (stains, yellow stains, binder application errors) on the back and on the 4 sides of the material.Carefully clean the back of the tile or slab, removing any dust and residues. Check that the surface is dry and free from damp. Ensure that the surface is dry then apply the product evenly and continuously on the back and sides of the material using a flat paintbrush, by spraying or with the airless system, while trying to avoid accumulation of the product. Store the material so that it can dry fully.Bond the material when completely dry, wait approximately 12 hours (at temperatures between 20°C and 40°C) to 24 hours (at temperatures between 10°C and 20°C) before bonding the material. Choose the most suitable adhesive for the type of installation according to the reference technical standard, or by consulting with the binder manufacturer.After the initial wash, the surface treatment can be completed with the water-based or solvent-based protector most suited to the material’s intended use.PROTECTION ON 6 SIDES: in the presence of high humidity, it can be used to block contaminating agents (oxidation, stains, yellow stains, binder application errors) on the back and 4 sides of the material and to create a water-repellent effect on the front.Carefully clean both sides of the tile or slab, removing any dust and residues. Check that the surface is dry and free from damp. Apply one coat of PW10 using a flat paintbrush, by spraying or with the airless system, spreading the solution evenly on all sides of the material and avoiding any accumulation of the product on the surface.The product can also be applied by immersing the material in it for roughly 30 seconds. Product residues must be removed by dabbing the material with a cloth, to avoid excess product on the surface.Bond the material when completely dry, wait approximately 12 hours (at temperatures between 20°C and 40°C) to 24 hours (at temperatures between 10°C and 20°C) before bonding the material. Choose the most suitable adhesive for the type of installation according to the reference technical standard, or by consulting with the binder manufacturer.After the initial wash, the surface treatment can be completed with the solvent-based protective agent most suited to the material’s intended use.POST-LAYING APPLICATION – SURFACE PROTECTION: To create a water-repellent effect on the front of the tile. Make sure that the surface is dry and clean then apply the product by impregnating the material until it is saturated, using a brush, by spraying or an airless system.Dab any excess product with a clean cloth before it dries. The surface will dry after just 6 hours. The spraying or airless system is only allowed for professional use, using the appropriate PPE, as specified in the safety data sheet.CLEANING OF TOOLS: clean with water after use.
Please note
- In case of glossy surfaces, pay special attention to the application method so as to avoid percolating the product on the front and staining the surface. Do not apply the product on the front of polished surfaces. It is advisable to verify with the manufacturer the suitable binder for the material’s intended use. When used on a material that has resin and/or mesh on the back, PW10 must be applied only on the edges and on the top side.